Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

I happen to know that these cute little Chubby Chirps are planning on sneaking into my children's Easter baskets tomorrow morning.  They turned out so cute and were quick to knit.  I used sock yarn so that they would be small.  In fact I'd say they are Easter egg sized.  I filled them with lentils (and topped them off with fiber fill) to give them some weight and help them stand on their own. 
I used some of the polymer clay button eyes that I made last week for my "Oink".  I especially love the blue eyes.  They look so real and are perfect for this little guy.
I made the polymer clay covered eggs several years ago and I just love them.  A few are even made by my children.  The silver and green one under the blue eyed chirp was made by my daughter from metallic clay just squashed onto the egg and smoothed (and then sanded and buffed by me).  The mica in the clay gives it wonderful color shifts in the light.  These are made over blown out hen eggs.  Polymer Clay Daily had a post this week about some of the most beautiful clay eggs I have ever seen! 

And these eggs are perfect for darning socks!

I finished knitting my log cabin squares!  I decided to do 4 x 6 = 24 squares.  Each one took a little over 1 1/2 hours to complete.  I've started to sew them together and decided to use mattress stitch which is working great.  I can use any color to seam them and it doesn't show.  I plan to do an applied I-cord edging in white.

We have two soccer games this morning and then a neighborhood Easter egg hunt this afternoon.  My daughter's Sunday school class is having a flash light Easter egg hunt tomorrow night.  Sounds like fun! 

Have a great Easter. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy (belated) Easter to you....I love everything you knit andI think you have a great sense of colour....
